Friday, March 4, 2011

I feel like a jerk

Blog update

So various blog readers of the world, i am SO sorry i haven't posted a blog since like, October. I feel really bad when i say this, but i maybe sort of forgot a little bit? That and every thing has been so busy I never really had time to write. I feel sort of jerkish but i have to admit that the only reason I remembered was whe someone came up to me and was like, " Sophia, i can't wait to read your next blog update!" but, lucky for you, lots of things have happened since I last updated so I have a lot to write about!!!

the DeLoatche family went to -drumroll please- Disney World!!! Let's just say, if you get an all expense paid trip to basically anywhere in the world like Charlie did, Disney world is a pretty darn good choice. Here are my top seven things you absolutely must do. 
Expedition Everest: the most awesome thing in Disney
Space mountain: so cool I had to go on it twice. 
Stitch's great escape: very cool, mostly because I love Lilo and Stitch ( so does Charlie, he freaked when he saw Stitch!)
Splash mountain: I went on it with my Dad because my mom didn't want to get wet and Amanda didn't want to mess up her hair. *cough cough*babies*cough cough* 
That buzz lightyear star command ride that I can't remember the name of: that was awesome
Kali river rapids: sort of boring but at the end it was fun
Lion King Show: that was REALLY awesome!!!

So while we were in Orlando, we had to stay somewhere. This is where Give Kids The World comes in. Three words for you: It. Was. Awesome. I mean think about it, GKTW is a place where you stay in your own villa, got delicious breakfast, lunch, and dinner free, it had a carousel (which Charlie and I rode on every day), 2 pools, and a lot of other cool stuff. So, i am officially obsessed with my iPad because it's just that awesome. Seriously. Pure awesomeness.